Willard's World - Intro

I’ve been reading a book by Dallas Willard called The Divine Conspiracy: Rediscovering our hidden life in God. More than any other book I’ve read, Willard is able to explain the idea of the “
The “Kingdom” had become almost code in many circles so that if you talk in “Kingdom” language you’re in and if you don’t your Christianity is at best antiquated and at worst heretical. I’ve found though that when I ask my friends, who like me throw the word kingdom into most conversations, what it actually is or what it means to live in the Kingdom, we stumble to find an answer.
This is where Willard is able to come to our assistance. He is able to take what Jesus taught about the Kingdom and articulate it for our context today. I’ve found the book challenging but extremely valuable. My goal in this blog has been to spend my time digesting quality media as opposed to absorbing popular television. As I finish this book I want to blog on each chapter with the goal of forcing myself to wrestle with and synthesize the ideas presented. I hope too, that those of you that stumble upon this blog will catch some of the wisdom that Willard presents and be encouraged to continue on in the journey toward this