In Conclusion...
From the sisters I learned that a godly life requires sacrifice and discipline but also yields tremendous joy. I can't yet explain why but joy was evident among the sisters in each place I visited.
From the fellow volunteers I was encouraged to find people from across the world but also from across Canada who are asking questions and are eager to learn answers about what it looks like in each context to follow Jesus. The majority of people I met had read The Irresistible Revolution and were really struggling to figure out how to life their lives in light of the questions Shane Claiborne asks.
From the patients I learnt patience (so to speak). They endured living in sub-optimal conditions with grace and thankfulness. I was blown away by the thanks they gave me on my last day. I get up tight when just a few things don't go as planned but the patients showed me that it is possible to live very simply still have a very rich life.
A challenge for you: Keep this experience open, do not wrap it up. Keep it in your hands and view it from different angles that come from the new experiences you gain over time. In this way, you will continue to learn and grow from it, even years later. The best lessons often come long after the experience has passed.
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM
Good advice
Luke, at 9:12 PM
I just sat down and read the whole thing, bottom to top (the internet sure turns things upside down). I was blown away by some of Hauerwas' stuff. More reaction after I have a bit more time to chew...
Anonymous, at 8:14 PM
Hey Luke! Your post is beautiful and really brought back some memories of Calcutta for me. I didn't know how else to write something to you so I figured this is as good a spot as I'm going to find. I was reading an article online a couple days ago from the New York Times that I randomly found when searching about the Missionaries of Charity. I came across a quote in there from a Canadian doctor named Luke Harmer and also realized that he (you) would have been there just about 3 years ago which is when I was there. What are the odds that there were two Lukes, studying to be doctors, from Canada, there at the same time I was? So, naturally I "googled" you and found this blog with your picture... I'm hoping you remember me- I was there with my brother Garrett (who has red hair), we're from Oregon. You and I hung out a few times/ went to the Leper colony on the same trip. You ended up leaving when I was in the hospital with e coli and I wasn't able to get any of your contact info but have thought of you since then and wondered how you're doing... It'd be great to hear from you and I really hope you at least vaguely remember me so I don't seem like a total creeper! My e-mail address is I pray you're doing well!
Laura Call, at 3:42 PM
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