Encouragement for Awaken

As we set out to be the people of God check out this thought from Banker to the Poor regarding the Grameen Bank's plan to establish new branches to help the poor in Bangladesh.
As we move to Bowness may we follow some of Yunus' wisdom to move slowly--I'll add prayerfully--and find out everything God is already doing in the neighbourhood. Here we go!
(For those who moay stumble on this blog and not know what "Awaken" is.... I am part of a community of faith who strive to follow teh teachings of Jesus. We are a rather small comunity and will be setting out from a lasrge traditional church to plant ourselves in the neighbourhood of Bowness, Calgary. These are exciting times as well as times of transition for our community.)
Our goal was to liberate the potential of the poor to create better lives for themselves, not to force individuals to do anything they do not want to do. Why hurry? Grameen's objective was to develop a system that worked, not rush out a serveice taht would fail its borrowers. Therefore we started small. The manager who will eventually take over responsibility for setting up his or her own new branch, arrives in an area where Grameen has decided to establish a branch. They arrive without any formal introduction. They have no office, no place to stay, and no one to get in touch with. Their first assignment is to document everything about the area.
-Mohammad Yunus
As we move to Bowness may we follow some of Yunus' wisdom to move slowly--I'll add prayerfully--and find out everything God is already doing in the neighbourhood. Here we go!
(For those who moay stumble on this blog and not know what "Awaken" is.... I am part of a community of faith who strive to follow teh teachings of Jesus. We are a rather small comunity and will be setting out from a lasrge traditional church to plant ourselves in the neighbourhood of Bowness, Calgary. These are exciting times as well as times of transition for our community.)
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