Better Than Television

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Bad Movie but Maybe One of the Best

I’m watching Pearl Harbor on TV now and am struck again by what a terrible movie it is in any critical sense but despite this it makes me "feel" like no other movie.


I think the main reason is that the characters in the movie get it all. They are heroes and heroines but at the same time get all the good things; beaches, hot girlfriends etc. I think this is the tension that I live in quite often. I am torn between my desire to be a hero, help others and make a difference and my less altruistic drive to be normal, popular and have the good life. I think the characters, as badly acted as they are, have both these seemingly opposite lives and my dream can be sustained by seeing there fictional incarnation of this.

I think though that this is Hollywood and the American Dream and not the way of Jesus of Nazareth. It is my experience that the fight to live the godly life and the compromise to keep the dream of normalcy alive are not compatible. It’s one or the other.

Despite Pearl Harbor being one of the best movies ever, may I see the fallacy and recognize the way of Christ as the best live ever.


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